Arriverà Domani su Habbo un Nuovo Evento, che porterà con se Nuovi Furni e altro!


landing.view.mysticsintro.header=The Crystal has crash landed!
landing.view.mysticsintro.body=A mystic crystal has crashed outside the hotel bounds and is transforming the hotel into an infected wilderness. Will you fight for the side of good and spread life around the hotel or will you choose the side of evil and help the infection spread? Choose your furni wisely, the fate of Habbo is in your hands.
landing.view.mysticsintro.button=Go to shop.

Traduzione: Un cristallo mistico si è schiantato fuori dall'Hotel e sta trasformando l'hotel in una regione selvaggia infetta. Vuoi combattere per il bene o sceglierai la parte del male e aiutarai la diffusione dell'infezione? Scegli il tuo Furni con saggezza, il destino di Habbo è nelle tue mani.

Nuovi Furni: (Codici + Sketch)

["mystics_bwall","Bad Side Wall","The evil is in the walls"]
["mystics_gtile1","Good Side Floor Tile","Sunny with a chance of lightning."]
["mystics_bspike1","Bad Side Spike","Crystal Spike"]
["mystics_gtable","Good Side Table","Cook up the antidote to heal Habbo."]
["mystics_barch","Bad Side Arch","Gateway to evil?"]
["mystics_bbench","Bad Side Bench","Crystal lined bench"]
["mystics_gstool","Good Side Stool","Rescuing the world is tiring work."]
["mystics_bfloor","Bad Side Large Floor Tile","Only the evilest walk on rocks."]
["mystics_gbench","Good Side Bench","Rescuing the world is tiring work."]
["mystics_gfloor","Good Side Large Floor Tile",""]
["mystics_btile2","Bad Side Floating Crystal","What voodoo makes this float."]
["mystics_btile1","Bad Side Floor Tile","Walking on this may be bad for your health?"]
["mystics_btable","Bad Side Table","What evil is cooked up on this?"]
["mystics_gwall","Good Side Wall","Spread the goodness"]
["mystics_bbed","Bad Side Sculpture","What mysterious power does this sculpture hold?"]
,["mystics_gtree","Good Side Tree","Spread some life in Habbo."]
["mystics_gbed","Good Side Sculpture","What mysterious power does this sculpture hold?"]
["mystics_bstool","Bad Side Stool","Even evil people need to sit down"]
["mystics_garchs","Good Side Arch","Gateway to salvation?"]

Ho chiesto su Twitter al Grafico Sulake Jeff uno Sketch (una sorta di bozza dei Furni) e l'ha postata! Ringrazio Moltissimo Jeff.


non è arrivato niente xD




non male


Mica male..




Si prospettano bellissimi furni...

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