Our History

The beginning
HabboTravel started on April 6 in 2012, from an idea of Teschietto96 of going back in the Fansites world after many years of inactivity.
The first version
At the beginning, the first version is based on simplicity and bright colors. On April 16 2012, HabboTravel was made official and, therefore, included in the list of official Habbo Italia Fansites.
The second version
A few months after its launch, HabboTravel is renewed with a very dynamic look, swaying and soft shapes, inside the V2.
Some problems
Later, problems arose with the hosting service we had relied on and due to misconceptions and various problems, HabboTravel is closed and consequently removed from the list of official Fansites.

The relaunch and the third version

We are not used to give up at the first difficulties, and, having solved the technical problems of HabboTravel, the site is back stronger than ever, with a completely new graphics, thanks also to the help of the formidable webmaster lollo10!. HabboTravel, therefore, is reborn with a modern and updated style: Illumina, ready to continue its story over time.
Back to the officials
On March 12 2013, HabboTravel.com becomes an official Fansite again.
The fourth version
On October 15 2013, HabboTravel launches its fourth version, a true innovation in the world of Fansites, capable of bringing the user experience of the Fansite on a par with that of Habbo. Main innovations: Goals, Furni Tester, Talents, Travel Club, Image Archive, Staff page and much more.
HabboTravel under attack
On January 3 2014, HabboTravel goes through the most critical period, it is in fact attacked by a hacker and forces the Fansite to run for cover. Fortunately, we are not used to give up and a few days later HabboTravel is back more secure than ever and with many new features, such as the Profile Generator and the app for iOS devices.
Former Admins 2012/2014
If today HabboTravel.com appears in the eyes of almost all visitors one of the most prestigious official Fansite in the world, much of the credit goes to those who have been committed to the progress of this community over the years, but of which they are no longer actively part of it. This thought concerns personalities of the caliber of RastaZeta, matty197, alessandro-habbo, .: Kala:., Thekiks96 and -.-teo-.-, who, with constant commitment and excellent professionalism, have fielded their skills to improve this site. Thanks for everything!
Travy, the aviator duck
In November 2015, the Graphic of HabboTravel westhim (from Habbo Brazil) gives life to our mascot, which is given the name of Travy! The latter is an aviator duck and in a short time he became the emblem of the Fansite. There have also been some official events dedicated to him called The Travy's Saga.
2015: The year of triumphs
2015 ends with a flourish for HabboTravel: two very prestigious victories confirm the very high international value of this Fansite. The first, obtained in November, was achieved at the Habtium Fan Awards, in which we won the pride of being recognized as the best foreign Fansite, beating Habbid and Habbies. Subsequently, we participated at the iDAwards (in the same category as the previous award) together with the Spanish Fansite Habtium and the American one of Puhekupla. Result? With 54% of the votes in favor, we also won this title!
2016 (1): The family at its best
2016 for HabboTravel was a year full of emotions and successes. Thanks to the fantastic work of the now former Admins cribius, -Stefyx-, merkurius and Only-Boy, followed by the best Competition Manager team HabboTravel has ever had (which included Venturus, :valethebest:, Powerenza, =Naples.Devil=, .mythico.teo, :popi:, RC-Marco, vaiolet, CoolDasmix1992 and many others), the Fansite has produced the best events ever created: Imperial Travel, Mythical Odyssey, Retrogames, Pokémon, Reality and Talent Show, Travy's Saga and many more. Of these events there are still video trailers made by the former video maker Nevik1, you can find them on our YouTube channel @HabboTravelTV. A small, big family ... What else to say except THANK YOU ?!
2016 (2): An incredible year
Among the qualities that have always distinguished us, undoubtedly stands out the attention to constantly maintaining the leadership in the international panorama of Fansites. The latter is a peculiarity that can be totally recognized since, after having literally beaten the competition in 2015, we were able to repeat ourselves in 2016. Yes, the users of Habbo Brazil and Habbo Spain (by voting respectively through iDAwards and Habtium Fan Awards) have renewed the love, passion and esteem they place for us, allowing HabboTravel to repeat two fantastic successes once again.
All the Official Events of HabboTravel
As an Official Fansite, HabboTravel has created more than 40 events for the Habbo community since 2013 and delivered over 400 badges, thousands of credits and a lot of furni! Are you curious to find out which themes were chosen and see all the badges delivered? Click Here!