Dai codici che la Sulake carica, si possono spesso sapere molte delle Novità in arrivo, esaminiamo dunque tutti i Nuovi Codici appena caricati e scopriamo cosa arriverà.
landing.view.habboclubpush.body=Get the latest stylish looks with ALL NEW HC exclusive clothing, hair and accessories. With dozens of colors and styles to choose from, you'll always stand out from the crowd! All NEW payment options available - Join the club!landing.view.habboclubpush.button=Find out more
landing.view.habboclubpush.header=NEW: Stay on top of the trends with Habbo Club!

landing.view.runwaylastchance.body=Every Habbo can be a runway superstar with this AWESOME room bundle. Pre-decorated with everything you need from backdrops and spotlights, to runways and mannequins - You will be the envy of all your friends! Includes an EXCLUSIVE badge.
landing.view.runwaylastchance.button=I want one!
landing.view.runwaylastchance.header=Last chance: Runway room bundle!
landing.view.runwayroombundle.body=Every Habbo can be a runway superstar with this AWESOME room bundle. Pre-decorated with everything you need from backdrops and spotlights, to runways and mannequins - You will be the envy of all your friends! Includes an EXCLUSIVE badge. Available for direct purchase and credits..
landing.view.runwayroombundle.button=Check it out
landing.view.runwayroombundle.header=Strut your stuff!
Arriverà un Affare Stanza Runway che includerà un Distintivo Esclusivo, esso sarà disponibile sia per acquisto diretto sia per crediti.
landing.view.runwayltd.body=Get them while they're hot! LTD furni are available in limited quantities and once they sell out...they can't come back! Each LTD has an individual ID number and the LTD logo. So don't miss this HOT LTD Runway Rare. It'll be gone in a flash..
landing.view.runwayltd.button=Tick tock...
landing.view.runwayltd.header=LTD Runway Rare

landing.view.runwayrarebox.body=Put on your most stylish outfit, and get ready to strut your stuff with the Habbo Club exclusive Runway Rares. With a 1 of 3 AWESOME rares in each box, the odds are definitely in your favor! Available for 6-8 hours, these rares will be gone in a FLASH...
landing.view.runwayrarebox.button=Strut your stuff
landing.view.runwayrarebox.header=Runway Rares Box

landing.view.leprechaun.body=Exclusive to Habbo Club, for a very limited time...St Patrick's Day Leprechaun is here! This energetic Irish mischeif-maker is sure to brighten your day! Includes
landing.view.leprechaun.button=Get yours
landing.view.leprechaun.header=Keep calm...the Leprechaun is coming!

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